Packing Your Hospital Bag | Tips For Parents

As a mom-to-be, one of steps or preparing or baby is packing your hospital bag .  For some reason, deciding which things to prepare for is your hospital bag can feel overwhelming. It’s essential to have all the necessary items ready before the big day arrives to make your hospital stay as comfortable as possible. If you’re unsure what shoudl be included when packing your hospital bag, don’t worry! In this article, we’ll provide you with some useful tips to help you pack everything you need for your baby’s birth.

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Start Parking Early | Packing Your Hospital Bag

It’s essential to start packing your hospital bag as early as possible. Most experts suggest having your hospital bag ready by the time you reach 35 weeks of pregnancy. That way, you’ll have enough time to check and double-check that you have everything you need.  The last thing you want to worry about when you are rushing to the hospital is packing your hospital bag.  Having this packed in advance helps with the last minute jobs as you are rushing out the door to the hospital.

Pack For Different Scenarios | Packing Your Hospital Bag

While we all hope for a smooth labor and delivery, sometimes things don’t go according to plan. It’s always better to be prepared for any situation. Pack for different scenarios, such as a longer hospital stay or a C-section delivery. That way, you’ll be ready for any situation that arises.  While it’s hard to find that line between being prepared and being over-prepared, it doesn’t hurt to pack for some additional days when packing your hospital bag.

Bring Comfortable Clothes | Packing Your Hospital Bag

After giving birth, comfort is key. Make sure to pack loose-fitting clothes that are easy to get in and out of, like a robe or a nightgown. You’ll also want to bring clothes to wear home from the hospital. Make sure they’re loose-fitting and easy to get in and out of, too.  Many moms like to include items like pajama pants, nursing cami, robes, and other comfortable and relaxing clothing when packing your hospital bag.

Bring Nursing Bras And Pads | Packing Your Hospital Bag

If you plan on breastfeeding, make sure to pack nursing bras and pads. Nursing bras are designed to make breastfeeding easier, and nursing pads will help prevent leaks. Pack a few extras, just in case.  I also recommend not only including them when packing your hospital bag, but wearing a nursing bra when delivering baby is also a great option.  That way when you begin skin to skin contact after baby’s birth, you can easily start breastfeeding your baby with a breastfeeding bra.

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Don’t Forget Toiletries | Packing Your Hospital Bag

Pack all your essential toiletries, like toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, and a hairbrush. You’ll also want to bring any makeup or skincare products that make you feel comfortable and confident. Don’t forget to pack lip balm, too, as hospitals can be dry and dehydrating.  The hospital will have person items available if you need them – but there is something comforting about using your own products.

Bring Entertainment | Packing Your Hospital Bag

Labor can be long and boring, so it’s a good idea to bring some entertainment. Pack a book, a tablet, or your favorite magazines. You may also want to bring a portable speaker or headphones to listen to music.  Including a phone charger is also a great item to include when packing your hospital bag.  Chances are you will be calling family and friends, taking pictures, and sending pictures to friends.   Having a full battery is key these big moments.

Bring Snacks | Packing Your Hospital Bag

Hospital food isn’t always the best, so it’s a good idea to bring some snacks. Pack some non-perishable snacks like granola bars, trail mix, or crackers. You may also want to bring some fresh fruit or vegetables, as they’ll help you stay hydrated and energized.  It wasn’t something I thought of when packing your hospital bag, but the first thing I did after delivering my daughter was ordering Jimmy Johns.  All I wanted was lunch meat after avoiding it for my pregnancy.

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Pack For The Baby | Packing Your Hospital Bag

Don’t forget to pack for your little one! Pack clothes for the baby to wear while in the hospital, including onesies, sleepers, and socks. You’ll also need a hat and a few receiving blankets. If you’re planning on using a pacifier, pack a few extras.  if you are having Fresh 48 pictures in the hospital, simple outfits are best and can be added when packing your hospital bag.

Don’t Forget The Car Seat | Packing Your Hospital Bag

Before you leave for the hospital, make sure you have a properly installed car seat ready. You won’t be able to leave the hospital without one. Practice installing the car seat before the big day so you’re familiar with the process.  If you was unsure of how to install your car seat, reach out to a local car seat technician, and they will assure your car seat is properly installed.

Pack Important Documents | Packing Your Hospital Bag

Make sure to pack any important documents you’ll need, like your insurance card, ID, and birth plan. You’ll also need your baby’s birth certificate paperwork.  Some hospitals have you complete paperwork before baby’s birth, and as part of a birth plan in the months before baby’s due date.  If you haven’t completed this paperwork in advance, include it when packing your hospital bag.

Everything Else | Packing Your Hospital Bag

In addition to these items, you can include anything else that will make your hospital room feel like home when packing your hospital bag.  Chances are you will be there for a couple days, so make sure you have everything you think you will need.

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