Little Man M | Newborn Photographer Dundas MN |

Little Man M  [ Dundas MN Newborn Photography]

Today I had the pleasure of introducing you to baby M, who’s officially 7 days new!

He had the most adorable smile!  I haven’t see another baby with such a killer smile at such a young age. Seriously, I’m practically melting from cuteness overload!

Baby M spelt most of the way through the session.  When he wasn’t sleeping, he was such a happy baby.  I could not have asked for a better little model!

Big brother B was standing by, watching the session.  Like a typical older brother, he was completely interested in the picture taking, until he was asked to join in.  Luckily with some coaxing and bribes from mom and dad, he gave in and took the most adorable pictures with his little brother.

Baby M is in good hands with his big brother, and I could not be happier with how the session went and the great images of him for mom and dad.

~ Stephanie

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