I was asked by a local photographer friend where I find my newborn photography backdrops, and it seemed like a great chance to share with other newborn photographers my list of online fabric stores for newborn backdrops.
Vendors Have Great Stuff Too | Online Fabric Stores For Newborn Backdrops
Before I get into the list of online fabric stores for newborn backdrops, I want to take a moment and acknowledge that I also but drops from newborn photography prop vendors too. The big perk of buying from newborn photography prop vendors, is that they do all the work for you. They find the fabrics, make sure it works for newborn photography (I’ll touch on this in a bit), usually have in use pictures of it so you know how it photographs, and some even offer matching props like headbands, bonnets, and more. Buying from a vendor is a great way to get a newborn photography backdrop that is good quality and quickly. Some of my favorite newborn photography backdrop vendors are: Hello Little Props, Huckleberry Baby Props, Freebird Fabric Shop, and One Sheep, Two Sheep. These ladies all have great newborn backdrops available in their shops or in pop up vendor sales in Facebook groups.
Price Difference | Online Fabric Stores For Newborn Backdrops
When you buy fabric from online fabric stores for newborn backdrops, the cost will be lower. Sometimes a lot cheaper, sometimes just a little cheaper. Just like other stores, these online fabric stores for newborn backdrops will offer sales and specials. Most have mailing list, so sign up and stay in the know with them.
What To Look For | Online Fabric Stores For Newborn Backdrops
Looking at newborn posing fabrics in online fabric stores can be a challenge. Mos of the time you just see a picture of the fabric. There is no guarantee that the color is exactly what is shown online, there may or may not be a description of how stretchy the fabric is, and the length can vary. Because of this, I have some things to look for when you are buying fabrics from online fabric stores for newborn backdrops.
Width – This is always listed in the fabric description. I like to make sure that the fabrics I get from online fabric stores for newborn backdrops are around 60 inches wide, or wider. Fabrics this wide work well on my posing system (I use a elevated dog bed for newborn photography, and you can read more about it here). I have plenty of extra fabric on each side.
Length – This is the amount of fabric you order. I always order 2 yards. If I also want a matching wrap, I will order 3 yards (and will make a bonnet or pillow out of the extra if I am feeling extra crafty). Some of the stores will let you add fabric in half yards. For the stores that allow orders in half yard increments, I will buy two and a half yards.
Stretch – The stores I use for online fabric stores for newborn backdrops all list the amount of stretch each fabric has. They also list both the horizontal and vertical stretch. This is a great way to see how stretchy the fabric is, which makes it easier for newborn posing. The more stretch, the less wrinkles and creases you will have from posing tools under the fabric. I recommend finding fabric with at least a 25% stretch in both directions. This will give you enough stretch to have a smooth backdrop when pulled tight.
Favorite Types of Fabric | Online Fabric Stores For Newborn Backdrops
Over the years I have found specific types of fabrics that I prefer to buy from online fabric stores for newborn backdrops. They are ones with great stretch and textures I like. I like my fabrics to be smooth with little to no visible texture, or the opposite with a distinct pattern. If I am buying a fabric with a pattern it is usually a smaller pattern, but sometimes I get a wide hair and buy more bold fabric colors and patterns.
Double Brushed Poly – Fabric with a four way stretch that is made from polyester and spandex (giving it the nice stretch). One side is “brushed”, giving it a smooth and soft look that is supposed to look similar to suede. It’s a favorite for backdrops and wraps.
Waffle Knit – Fabric that has a recessed pattern created by cords running both vertically and horizontally that create a square design. The pattern looks similar to waffle, hence the name. This fabric has a nice stretch, and a simple pattern that does not take attention from baby.
Hacci Knit – A fabric with a small knit pattern, that is made of a polyester and spandex fibers. It has a good stretch, and it great of backdrops and wraps.
French Terry – A knit style fabric, similar to hacci knit. French Terry is usually a little thicker, and made with one side that is very smooth with a tight knit, and the other is more textured or “loopy”. Both sides can be used for backdrops.
Stretch Lace – Lace fabric that has a great stretch to it. It is usually used for undergarment making, so it is usually very soft and no worries of being itchy or scratchy for baby.
My Top Stores | Online Fabric Stores For Newborn Backdrops
These are my favorite online fabric stores for newborn backdrops. All of my backdrops are from the vendors I listed above of these shops.
Stylish Fabrics
Cali Fabrics
Girl Charlee 
Boho Fabrics
Final Thoughts | Online Fabric Stores For Newborn Backdrops
Like anything you buy online, there is the rick of things being different once you get them. Make sure you read the descriptions, understand the different fabric types, and know that the colors will vary a little.